Dauer: 7-14 Wochen
in deinem Tempo
(1-2 Termine pro Woche)
✅ 14 Termine
✅ Coaching – Integration vom Wissen
✅ Reading in Stichpunkten (PDF)
✅ Personalisiertes Guide Book (PDF)
*Abzüglich -222€ wenn du bereits das Basis Reading (SOUL CODE) bei mir gebucht hast.
Für dich, wenn du
…ganz tief in deine Human Design Chart eintauchen möchtest
…dein Design nicht nur verstehen, sondern auch leben möchtest
…im Austausch mit mir Feedback möchtest, um zu verstehen wie du dein Design am Besten lebst
Deine Anleitung für ein gesundes, wohlhabendes Leben in einer glücklichen Beziehung.
Wir tauchen in 1 spezielles Thema pro Sitzung ein und betrachten es holistisch – in Bezug auf deine Gesamtchart und in Bezug auf dein Leben.
Du bekommst alles zum Nachlesen als Fließtext.
Die Readings bauen aufeinander auf, so dass wir in jeder Sitzung reflektieren können wie du ins Experiment mit deinem Design gehst und das Wissen anwendest..
Duration: 7-14 weeks
in your pace
(1-2 times/week)
✅ 14 appointments +1
✅ Coaching – Reflexion -Integration
✅ Reading Bulletpoints (PDF)
✅ Personalized Guide Book (PDF)
*Reduction -222€ if you have booked the Basis Reading (SOUL CODE) with me before.
This is for you, when you
…want to dive deep into your Human Design chart in a more holistic way.
…not only seek for Information, but want to go into an experiment living your design as well.
…want to have Simone pointing you in the right direction to stop going in circles.
Your personallized manual for a healthier, wealthier life in a fulfilling relationship.
✅ Each session we”ll dive deep in one topic of your chart and look at it in a holistic way – in regards of your chart in total and in regards of your current life.
✅ You will receive everything in writing.
✅ With each Reading you will get a deeper understanding of your Chart. So together we can reflect in each session how you are living your design and use this knowledge in a beneficial way.
Holistic 1:1 Coaching
Holistic 1:1 Coaching
UNLOCK YOUR DESIGN – Instalment (6)
1- Your Chart
2- Your Energytype
This section does not have any lessons.
3- Your Strategy
This section does not have any lessons.
4- Your Authority
This section does not have any lessons.
5- Your Root Center
This section does not have any lessons.
6- Your Emotional-Center
This section does not have any lessons.
7- Your Sakral Center
This section does not have any lessons.
8- Your Spleen-Center
This section does not have any lessons.
9- Your Heart-Ego-Center
This section does not have any lessons.
10- Your G-Center
This section does not have any lessons.
11- Your Throat Center
This section does not have any lessons.
12- Your Head Center
This section does not have any lessons.
13- Your Crown Center
This section does not have any lessons.
14- Your Profile
This section does not have any lessons.
15- EXTRA: Your unique traits – your unique combination & outlook
This section does not have any lessons.